2AS goes MALTA

17 students of the class 2AS, accompanied by their English teachers N. Scherscher and N. Illing, made the impossible possible by being the first commercial school class in years to go on a language trip. From June 16th to June 23rd 2024 we travelled to… 

…Malta! This gorgeous island was the perfect choice for us, since we could combine improving our language skills by attending English classes at ESE language school in the morning, and immersing ourselves in the Maltese culture on our afternoon trips. Have we made you curious? Then continue reading! 

Monday, June 17th: 
The students started their first full day with morning classes at the ESE language school, followed by a welcome meeting and an orientation walk. The afternoon featured a half-day tour of Valletta, Malta’s capital city, where highlights included the Parliament House, Upper Barrakka Gardens and St John’s Co-Cathedral.  

Tuesday, June 18th:
After morning classes, we headed to the Golden Bay Beach, one of Malta’s most beautiful beaches. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon at the beach and some students participated in fun water sports activities.  

Wednesday, June 19th: 
On June 19th, we enjoyed a half-day tour of Rabat and Mdina, two towns worth visiting in the center of Malta. The guided tour began with a visit to St. Paul’s Church and Grotto in Rabat, followed by a tour of Mdina, Malta’s old capital city. We explored historic landmarks like the Main Gate, Palazzo Vilhena and Mdina Cathedral. The tour ended with a scenic walk along The Bastions, providing stunning views. 

Thursday, June 20th: 
We finally reached the highlight of our language trip- the Comino Cruise. Swimming in the crystal-clear waters of the Blue Lagoon, sunbathing and relaxing made it to be a perfect day for all of us.  

Friday, June 21st: 
Because everyone enjoyed the beach so much on Tuesday, we decided to check out another beach – The Ghadira Bay close to Mellieha in the north of the island. We spent some quality time socializing by playing different games, like volleyball, soccer and board games.  

Saturday, June 22nd: 
On our last full day, we set out to explore the island. We visited the Crafts Village, Limestone Heritage, Marsaxlokk, a quite a fishing village, and the Blue Grotto. The highlight of this Saturday trip was Peter’s Pool, a small bay where the brave ones jumped from cliffs into the refreshing water. To round off this nice day and to celebrate Mrs. Scherscher’s birthday, we all went out for dinner to the traditional Maltese restaurant Gozitan. We ended this day with strolling around Spinola Bay and a public viewing of a soccer game.  

Our unforgettable language trip ended on Sunday, June 23rd. We are all glad that this trip could take place. We all collected lots of great memories which we will never forget. 

Text: Nancy Illing, Natalie Scherscher
Foto: Havin Aykut

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